
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Prompt #9 - Recognizing Significance - Beekeepers and Veterinarians

by Rachel Harvey

Many believe that all veterinarians do is take care of sick pets. While this may be true, veterinarians play a very significant role in many important aspects of life. Some veterinarians do ground breaking research that impacts generations to come. They come up with solutions to problems that will benefit the entire world.

This is apparent in most of the food industry for human consumption. As previously mentioned in posts before, veterinarians must be in contact with animals that produce products or provide meat. This ensures a level of safety and protection. Recently it has been required that beekeepers get any antibiotics used from veterinarians. Previously it had not been required and beekeepers could distribute whatever they felt necessary.

While it may seem as it is putting a strain on beekeepers, the use of veterinarians is very important. Bees being raised are having their honey used for consumption. Beekeepers are distributing antibiotics without much knowledge. This is enabling a very dangerous result of antibiotic resistance.

With antibiotic resistance, there is a possibility of bees not being able to live properly and flourish in numbers that are needed. Honeybee numbers are drastically declining in the last years and they need the protection in order to be able to survive. Bees are one of the most important species on planet and are essential to pollination and the production of food.

The use of veterinarians are essential to many aspects of life that many may not think of. They are needed to ensure all of the species other than humans survive and flourish to the best of their ability.

Nolan, R. Scott. " Federal Directive Brings Veterinarians and Beekeepers Together." Federal Directive Brings Veterinarians and Beekeepers Together. AmericanVeterinary Medical Association, 28 Sept. 2016. Web. 04 Apr. 2017.
"Beekeeping - Google Search." Beekeeping - Google Search. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Apr. 2017.

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