
Sunday, February 12, 2017

How Do You Become A Veterinarian?

by Rachel Harvey

As everyone may know, much like becoming a doctor, becoming a veterinarian is no easy task. There is a lot of hard work and a lot of schooling involved. The beginning steps begin before even entering college. You must take as many science classes to involve yourself and to show your potential. 

Photo By: Krissy Wood
After going through the stressful task of being accepted into a college, the undergraduate degree begins. You must obtain a degree in preferably science based course. This degree should focus on biological and physical sciences. It is very important to stay on top of your studies and get a high a GPA as possible. It is recommended to maintain at least a 3.5 or higher. This is about the average of veterinary medical students accepted. Not only must you achieve very good grades, it is highly recommended to partake in many extracurricular activities. 

It is very important to get experience in an actual veterinary clinic. It is recommended to ask a veterinarian to shadow them during the work day. This gives a lot of experience and will give you an accurate visual of what the job is actually like. Taking part in a club at school for future veterinarians is also a good way to get new experiences and make connections with people. 

When it comes time to apply to veterinarian school, you will be required to take the graduate record examination (GRE) and sometimes the MCAT, depending on the school. There are 30 veterinary schools located in the Unites States. You will be required to have interviews as part of the process in getting in. Your scores as well as your experience will be taken into consideration. You will also need about three letters of recommendations from advisors, veterinarians, and often professors. 
Photo By: Michigan State University 

So you get into veterinary school, you have about 4 more years of school. As you approach the end, you will be required to pass the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination (NAVLE) in order to be able to practice your degree. You will also be required to take the Veterinary Oath in order to swear to use your degree for a good purpose. At this point you have the option to get more schooling in order to specialize in the 22 various specialties, such as anesthesia. Becoming a veterinarian is a very difficult and expensive process and it is very important to make sure that this is what you really want your future to be. 


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