
Monday, January 30, 2017

Why do People think science is becoming less interesting in the World?

By:Nick Androvett

In today's world Science plays a major factor in how we go through life. It helps cure major diseases and helps lead us to living a better life. It also helps us find medicine and improve our lifestyles with the changing world around us. Science is basically everything around us, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat.
Science is one of the most important things in the world for us. If we didn’t have science in the world then there would be no way for us to live. This is why science is one of the most important things in the world for living things and our ecosystems. In today's generation and in the eyes of young children science isn't as interesting as it should be. This is an important problem due to how important science is to us. 
In today's world social media is taking over our generation. Everywhere you go someone is either on their phone to talk or take pictures. We are all progressing throughout life fast and improving on our own inventions. This all has to do with science which in part has helped our world improve. Shows such as Dr.Med and the Big Band theory have provided a negative impact on children by showing that scientists can be nerds and has impacted their interest in a negative way towards science. Therefore, this is why people are less interested in science.


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